杨帆,教授/研究员,博士生导师,国家级青年人才。2020年博士毕业于西南交通大学(导师:王平教授),期间在美国威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校学习两年(导师:Xudong Wang教授),2020-2022年就职于同济大学,2022年至今就职于上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院,任研究员/博导,压电生物材料与应用课题组PI,2024年柔性引进加入西南交通大学前沿科学研究院。运用材料学、力学和电学研究医学电子诊疗器件与系统,集中于压电生物材料合成技术、生物医学柔性电子传感与电刺激治疗等交叉方向研究。迄今,以(共同)第一/通讯作者在Science、Science Advances等国内外高水平期刊发表学术论文20余篇,先后主持国家自然科学基金和科技部“十四五”重点研发计划等多项科研项目。担任MedMat期刊副主任委员,入选国家万人计划青年拔尖人才、上海科技青年35人、上海市东方学者和浦江人才等人才计划。
1. 压电生物材料合成技术与医学应用
2. 无源柔性医学诊疗电子器件与系统
1. Yang, F., Li, J., Long, Y., Zhang, Z., Wang, L., Sui, J., Dong, Y., Wang, Y., Taylor, R., Ni, D., Cai, W., Wang, P., Hacker, T., Wang, X.*, Wafer-scale heterostructured piezoelectric bio-organic thin films. Science, 373(6552), 337-342, 2021.
2. Li, T. #, Shi, C.#, Jin, F.#, Yang, F.# (equally contributed), Gu, L., Wang, T., Dong, W., Feng, Z.*, Cell activity modulation and its specific function maintenance by bioinspired electromechanical nanogenerator. Science Advances, 7(39), eabh2350, 2021.
3. Dong, L., Ke, Y., Liao, Y., Wang, J., Gao, M., Yang, Y., Li, J., Yang, F. *, Rational Modeling and Design of Piezoelectric Biomolecular Thin Films Toward Enhanced Energy Harvesting and Sensing. Advanced Functional Materials, 2410566, 2024.
4. Dong, L., Tang, Q., Zhao, C., Hu, G., Yang, F.*, Yang, Y.*, Advanced Aerodynamics-Driven Energy Harvesting Leveraging Galloping-Flutter Synergy, Advanced Functional Materials, 2414324, 2024.
5. Zhang, J.#, Liu, C. #, Li, J. #, Yu, T., Ruan, J.*, Yang, F.*, Advanced Piezoelectric Materials, Devices and Systems for Orthopedic Medicine. Advanced Science, 2410400, 2024.
6. Huai, M., Pei, M., Chen, J., Duan, X., Zhu, Y., Yang, F.*, Ge, W.*, Oral Creatine-Modified Selenium-Based Hyaluronic Acid Nanogel Mediated Mitochondrial Energy Recovery to Drive the Treatment of Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Journal of Nanobiotechnology, 2024
7. Dong, L., Hu, G., Zhang, Y., Ding, W., Qu, S., Tang, Q., ... & Yang, F.*, Metasurface-enhanced multifunctional flag nanogenerator for efficient wind energy harvesting and environmental sensing. Nano Energy, 124, 109508, 2024.
8. Liao, Y., Tian, S., Li, Y., Li, L., Chen, X., Chen, J., Yang, F.*, Gao, M.*, Ambient Nano RF-Energy Driven Self-powered Wearable Multimodal Real-time Health Monitoring. Nano Energy, 128:109915, 2024.
9. Dong, L., Li, J., Zhang, H., Gao, M., Yang Y., Yang F.*, Adaptive energy harvesting approach for smart wearables towards human-induced stochastic oscillation, Journal of Cleaner Production, 418(4):138094, 2023
10. Dong, L., Zuo, J., Wang, T., Xue, W., Wang, P., Li, J., Yang, F.*, Enhanced piezoelectric harvester for track vibration based on tunable broadband resonant methodology. Energy, 254, 124274, 2022.
焦星星,西南交通大学特聘副研究员,博士毕业于西安交通大学,2021至2023年在莫斯科物理技术学院和莫斯科国立大学入职高级研究员和初级研究员。主要从事新型锂电池研究,迄今Adv. Mater.,Adv. Energy Mater.,Adv. Funct. Mater.,Energy Stor. Mater.,J. Eur. Ceram. Soc.等学术期刊上发表论文30余篇,包括,其中以第一作者或通讯作者16篇,影响因子大于10的有11篇。
[1] Xingxing Jiao, Xieyu Xu*, Yongjing Wang, Xuyang Wang, Yaqi Chen, Shizhao Xiong, Weiqing Yang, Zhongxiao Song, Yangyang Liu*, Viability of all-solid-state lithium metal battery coupled with oxide solid-state electrolyte and high-capacity cathode, Journal of Energy Chemistry, 2023, 已接收
[1] Xingxing Jiao, Jianqing Yin, Xieyu Xu, Jialin Wang, Yangyang Liu, Shizhao Xiong, Qilu Zhang, Jiangxuan Song*. Highly Energy-Dissipative, Fast Self-Healing Binder for Stable Si Anode in Lithium-Ion Batteries. Advanced Functional Materals, 2020, 20055699. IF=19.0
[2] XingXing Jiao, Yongjing Wang, Olesya O. Kapitanova, Xieyu Xu, Valentyn S. Volkov, Yangyang Liu*, Zhongxiao Song*, Aleksandar Matic*, Shizhao Xiong*. Morphology evolution of electrodeposited lithium on metal substrates. Energy Storage Materials, 2023, 61, 102916. IF=20.4
[3] Xingxing Jiao, Yongjing Wang, Yaqi Chen, Jialin Wang, Shizhao Xiong, Zhongxiao Song, Xieyu Xu*, Yangyang Liu*. Insight of Electro-chemo-mechanical Process inside Integrated Configuration of Composite Cathode for Solid-State Batteries. Energy Storage Materials, 2023, 61, 102864. IF=20.4
[4] Xingxing Jiao, Xuyang Wang, Xieyu Xu, Yongjing Wang, Hoon-Hee Ryu, Jimin Park, Jang-Yeon Hwang, Shizhao Xiong, Yang-Kook Sun*, Zhongxiao Song, Yangyang Liu*. Multi-physical field simulation: a powerful tool for accelerating exploration of high-energy-density rechargeable lithium batteries. Advanced Energy Materials, 2023, 2301708. IF=27.8.
[5] Xieyu Xu, Alina V. Kirianova, Pavel V. Evdokimov, Yangyang Liu, Xingxing Jiao*, Valentin S. Volkov, Evgeny A. Goodilin, Irina A. Veselova, Valery I. Putlayev, Olesya O. Kapitanova*. Li1.3Al0.3Ti1.7(PO4)3 ceramic electrolyte fabricated from bimodal powder precursor. Journal of the European Ceramic Society. 2023, 43(14), 6170-6179. IF=5.7.
[6] Xieyu Xu, Xingxing Jiao (共一), Olesya O. Kapitanova, Jialin Wang, Valentyn S. Volkov, Yangyang Liu, Shizhao Xiong*. Diffusion limited current density: a watershed in electrodeposition of lithium metal anode. Advanced Energy Materials, 2022, 12(19), 2200244. IF=27.8
[7] Xieyu Xu, Pavel V. Evdokimov, Valentyn S. Volkov, Shizhao Xiong, Xingxing Jiao*, Olesya O. Kapitanova*, Yangyang Liu*. Internal failure coupled with interfacial disintegration of solid-state electrolyte induced by the electrodeposition of lithium metal under defected interface. Energy Storage Materials, 2023, 57, 421-428. IF=20.4
[8] Wenya Lei, Xingxing Jiao (共一), Shugui Yang, Farshad Boorboor Ajdari, Masoud Salavati-Niasari, Yangyang Feng, Jianqing Yin, Goran Ungar, Jiangxuan Song*. Temperature and Stress -resistant Solid State Electrolyte for Stable Lithium-Metal Batteries [J]. Energy Storage Materials, 2022, 49: 502-8. IF=20.4
[9] Haolong Jiang, Xieyu Xu, Qingpeng Guo*, Hui Wang*, Jiayi Zheng, Yuhao Zhu, Huize Jiang, Olesya O. Kapitanova, Valentyn S. Volkov, Jialin Wang, Yaqi Chen, Yongjing Wang d, Yu Han, Chunman Zheng, Kai Xie, Shizhao Xiong, Yangyang Liu*, Xingxing Jiao*. Electro-chemo-mechanical design of polymer matrix in composited LiNi0. 8Co0. 1Mn0. 1O2 cathode endows solid-state batteries with superior performance. Journal of Energy Chemistry, 2023, 78, 277-282. IF=13.1
[10] Yuhao Zhu, Xieyu Xu, Qingpeng Guo*, Yu Han*, Haolong Jiang, Huize Jiang, Hui Wang, Pavel V. Evdokimov, Olesya O. Kapitanova, Valentyn S. Volkov, Yongjing Wang, Shizhao Xiong, Chunman Zheng, Kai Xie, Xingxing Jiao*, Yangyang Liu*. Reinforced interface endows the lithium anode with stable cycle at high-temperature of 80° C. Journal of Energy Chemistry, 2023, 78, 325-332. IF=13.1
[11] Xingxing Jiao*, Alina V. Kirianova, Xieyu Xu, Olesya O. Kapitanova, Victor A. Krivchenko, Filipp S. Napolskiy, Valentyn S. Volkov, Marat O. Gallyamov, and Yangyang Liu*. Conductive Additives for Improving the Rate Capability of Cathode Materials in Secondary Lithium Batteries. ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2023, 6 (5), 2855-2862. IF = 6.4.
[12] Li Zhang, Xingxing Jiao (共一), Zhenhe Feng, Bing Li, Yangyang Feng, Jiangxuan Song*. A nature-inspired binder with three-dimensional cross-linked networks for silicon-based anodes in lithium-ion batteries. Journal of Power Sources, 2021, 229198. IF=9.2
[13] Xingxing Jiao, Xiaodong Yuan, Jianqing Yin, Farshad Boorboor Ajdari, Yangyang Feng*, Guoxin Gao, and Jiangxuan Song*. Multiple Network Binders via Dual Cross-Linking for Silicon Anodes of Lithium-Ion Batteries. ACS Applied Energy Materials. 2021, 4, 10306-10313. IF = 6.4.
[14] Xingxing Jiao, Yangyang Liu, Tongtong Li, Chaofan Zhang, Xieyu Xu, Olesya O. Kapitanova, Cheng He, Bing Li*, Shizhao Xiong, and Jiangxuan Song*. Crumpled Nitrogen-Doped Graphene-Wrapped Phosphorus Composite as a Promising Anode for Lithium-Ion Batteries. ACS Applied Materials Interfaces. 2019, 11, 30858−30864. IF=9.5
[15] Xingxing Jiao, Yangyang Liu, Bing Li, Wenxue Zhang, Cheng He, Chaofan Zhang, Zhaoxin Yu, Tieyu Gao, Jiangxuan Song*. Amorphous phosphorus-carbon nanotube hybrid anode with ultralong cycle life and high-rate capability for lithium-ion battery. Carbon. 2019, 148, 518-524. IF=10.9.
热诚欢迎有科研学术理想的同学报考研究生,同时也欢迎本科生的加入!联系方式:jiaoxx77@hotmail.com; xxjiao@swjtu.edu.cn
游世海,西南交通大学前沿科学研究院特聘副研究员。2021年于厦门大学材料物理与化学专业获得博士学位,导师为解荣军教授;其间2019年11月至2020年11月在休斯敦大学化学系联合培养,合作导师为Jakoah Brgoch教授。2021年7月至2023年10月在中国科学院福建物质结构研究所从事博士后研究,合作导师为罗军华研究员。2023年11月加入西南交通大学工作。主要从事光电功能材料的基础与应用研究工作,包括金属卤化物钙钛矿及其发光和光电探测器件、X射线探测与成像、稀土发光材料及其固态照明与显示器件等。已发表学术论文30余篇,引用800余次,其中以第一/通讯作者在ACS Energy Lett.、Adv. Funct. Mater.、Laser Photon. Rev.、Adv. Sci.等刊物发表学术论文10余篇;编写英文学术专著1章,获权中国发明专利2件。主持/参与国家自然科学基金青年项目、中国博士后科学基金面上资助、国家自然科学基金重大项目等项目。现为中国化学会会员、中国化工学会会员,担任Adv. Funct. Mater.、J. Adv. Ceram.、Phys. Status Solidi-RRL、发光学报等期刊审稿人。
[1] Shihai You, Panpan Yu, Tingting Zhu, Cunjian Lin, Jianbo Wu, Zeng-Kui Zhu, Chengshu Zhang, Zhou Li, Chengmin Ji, Junhua Luo*. Ionizing radiation responsive anomalous photovoltage drives sensitive self-powered X-ray detection. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2024, 34, 2310916.
[2] Shihai You, Panpan Yu, Tingting Zhu, Qianwen Guan, JianboWu, Hongliang Dai, Haiqing Zhong, Zeng-Kui Zhu, Junhua Luo*. Alternating chiral and achiral spacers for constructing two-dimensional chiral hybrid perovskites toward circular-polarization-sensitive photodetection. Mater. Horiz. 2023, 10, 5307-5312.
[3] Jianbo Wu#, Shihai You#,*, Panpan Yu, Qianwen Guan, Zeng-Kui Zhu, Zhou Li, Chang Qu, Haiqing Zhong, Lina Li*, Junhua Luo*. Chirality inducing polar photovoltage in a 2D lead-free double perovskite toward self-powered X-ray detection. ACS Energy Lett. 2023, 8, 2809-2816.
[4] Shihai You, Panpan Yu, Jianbo Wu, Zeng-Kui Zhu, Qianwen Guan, Lina Li, Chengmin Ji, Xitao Liu, Junhua Luo*. Weak X-ray to visible lights detection enabled by a 2D multilayered lead iodide perovskite with iodine-substituted space. Adv. Sci. 2023, 10, 2301149.
[5] Shihai You, Zeng-Kui Zhu, Shuheng Dai, Jianbo Wu, Qianwen Guan, Tingting Zhu, Panpan Yu, Changjian Chen, Qiushui Chen, Junhua Luo*. Inch-sized single crystals of lead-free chiral perovskites with bulk photovoltaic effect for stable self-driven X-ray detection. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2023, 33, 2303523.
[6] Shihai You, Tingting Zhu, Yumin Wang, Zeng-Kui Zhu, Zhongyuan Li, Jianbo Wu, Panpan Yu, Lina Li, Chengmin Ji*, Yaxing Wang, Shuao Wang, Junhua Luo*. Exploring a stable and dense 3D lead chloride hybrid with emission of self-trapped excitons toward X-ray scintillation. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2023, 33, 2210481.
[7] Shihai You, Shuxing Li*, Le Wang*, Takashi Takeda, Naoto Hirosaki, Rong-Jun Xie*. Ternary solid solution phosphors Ca1-x-yLixAl1-x-ySi1+x+yN3-yOy:Ce3+ with enhanced thermal stability for high-power laser lighting. Chem. Eng. J. 2021, 404, 126575.
[8] Shihai You, Ya Zhuo, Qiulin Chen, Jakaoh Brgoch*, Rong-Jun Xie*. Dual-site occupancy induced broadband cyan emission in Ba2CaB2Si4O14:Ce3+. J. Mater. Chem. C 2020, 8, 15626-15633.
[9] Shihai You, Shuxing Li, Yongchao Jia*, Rong-Jun Xie*. Interstitial site engineering for creating unusual red emission in La3Si6N11:Ce3+. Chem. Mater. 2020, 32, 3631-3640.
[10] Shihai You, Shuxing Li*, Peng Zheng, Tianliang Zhou, Le Wang*, Lihong Liu, Naoto Hirosaki, Fangfang Xu, Rong-Jun Xie*. A thermally robust La3Si6N11:Ce-in-glass film for high-brightness blue-laser-driven solid state lighting. Laser Photon. Rev. 2019, 13, 1800216.
[11] 游世海, 郑化安, 付东升, 吕晓丽, 苏艳敏, 李克伦, 李欣. 粉煤灰合成钙长石多孔陶瓷的结构与性能. 硅酸盐学报 2016, 44, 1718-1723.
[12] 游世海, 齐士成, 李友芬, 尹晓飞. 无机填料改性有机硅胶黏剂高温黏结性能及机理分析. 硅酸盐学报 2014, 42, 70-74.
[13] 游世海, 郑化安, 付东升, 苏艳敏, 吕晓丽, 李克伦, 张云, 李茂庆. 粉煤灰制备微晶玻璃研究进展. 硅酸盐通报 2014, 33, 2902-2907.
[1] Shihai You, Rong-Jun Xie*. “Laser Phosphors” in Phosphor Handbook, 3rd Ed. (Eds. Ru-Shi Liu, Xiaojun Wang), ISBN 9781003098676, CRC Press, Boca Raton, 2022.
[1] 解荣军, 游世海, 郑鹏, 周天亮, 李淑星. 激光照明用氮化物荧光粉/玻璃复合光转换组件及其制备. 中国发明专利, ZL201810738173.1, 2020.
[2] 解荣军, 游世海, 周天亮. 一种Mn4+掺杂的氮氧化物红色荧光粉及制备方法. 中国发明专利, ZL202010175288.1, 2021.
董盼盼,西南交通大学前沿科学研究院特聘副研究员,2020年获得美国华盛顿州立大学材料科学与工程专业博士,2021–2023年在华盛顿州立大学机械与材料工程学院从事博士后研究工作,2023年12月加入西南交通大学前沿科学研究院,主要从事先进功能材料在储能领域的应用研究,具体包括高比能锂金属电池(锂硫/锂硒电池)、复合固态电解质、金属有机框架材料等方向。迄今为止,以第一作者/通讯作者及合作者在Adv. Mater.(1), Nano Energy(1), Energy Stor. Mater.(1), J. Energy Chem.(2), J. Mater. Chem. A(1)等国际知名期刊发表论文20余篇,美国专利申请2项,中国授权专利2项。担任国际SCI期刊Frontiers in Chemistry, Batteries, Processes客座编辑,Frontiersin Energy Research期刊评审编辑以及ACS Nano, Batteries & Supercaps, Batteries, ACS Applied Energy Materials, ACS Applied Electronic Materials, Polymers, Journal of Applied Polymer Science等国际期刊审稿人。
代表性论文 (#:共同一作,*:通讯作者)
[11]. P. Dong#, X. Zhang#, W. Hiscox, J. Liu, J. Zamora, X. Li, M. Su, Q. Zhang, X. Guo, J. McCloy, M.-K. Song*.
Towards High-Performance Metal-Organic-Framework-Based Quasi-Solid-State Electrolytes: Tunable Structures and Electrochemical Properties.
Adv. Mater., 2023, 2211841. (IF:29.4, JCR:Q1)
[10]. P. Dong, X. Zhang, Y. Cha, J.I. Lee, M.-K. Song*.
In Situ Surface Protection of Lithium Metal Anode in Lithium–Selenium Disulfide Batteries with Ionic Liquid-Based Electrolytes.
Nano Energy, 69, 104434, 2020. (IF:17.6, JCR:Q1)
[9]. P. Dong, X. Zhang, J. Zamora, J. McCloy, M.-K. Song*.
Silk Fibroin-based Biopolymer Composite Binders with Gradient Binding Energy and Strong Adhesion Force for High-Performance Micro-Sized Silicon Anodes.
J. Energy Chem., 2023, 80, 442–451. (IF:13.1, JCR:Q1)
[8]. P. Dong, X. Zhang, K.S. Han, Y. Cha, M.-K. Song*.
Deep Eutectic Solvent-based Polymer Electrolyte for Solid-State Lithium Metal Batteries.
J. Energy Chem., 2022, 70,363–372. (IF:13.1, JCR:Q1)
[7]. P. Dong, K.S. Han, J.I. Lee, X. Zhang, Y. Cha, M.-K. Song*.
Controlled Synthesis of Sulfur-rich Polymeric Selenium Sulfides as Promising Electrode Materials for Long-life, High-rate Lithium Metal Batteries.
ACS Appl. Mater. Inter. 2018, 10 (35), 29565–29573. (IF:9.5, JCR:Q1)
[6]. X. Zhang#, P. Dong#, M.-K. Song*.
Metal–Organic Frameworks for High-Energy Lithium Batteries with Enhanced Safety: Recent Progress and Future Perspectives.
Batteries Supercaps 2019, 2, 591–626. (IF:5.7, JCR:Q2, Cover Feature)
[5]. T. Duan, H. Cheng*, Y. Liu, Q. Sun, W. Nie, X. Lu*, P. Dong*, M.-K. Song.
A Multifunctional Janus Layer for LLZTO/PEO Composite Electrolyte with Enhanced Interfacial Stability in Solid-State Lithium Metal Batteries.
Energy Stor. Mater., 2024 (65), 103091. (IF:20.4, JCR:Q1)
[4]. L. Tian, Y. Liu, Z. Su, Y. Cao, W. Zhang, S. Yi, B. Niu, Y. Zhang, P. Dong*, D. Long*.
A Lithiated Organic Nanofiber-Reinforced Composite Polymer Electrolyte Enabling Li-ion Conduction Highways for Solid-State Lithium Metal Batteries.
J. Mater. Chem. A, 9, 23882-2380, 2021. (IF:11.9, JCR:Q1)
[3]. L. Tian, Z. Yang, M. Wang, Y. Guo, K. Liang, B. Niu, Y. Zhang, P. Dong*, D. Long*.
Click Chemistry-initiated Highly Uniform Semi-Interpenetrating Polymer Electrolyte with Dual Salts for High Performance lithium Metal Batteries.
J. Power Sources, 565 (2023) 232884. (IF:9.2, JCR:Q1)
[2]. L. Tian, M. Wang, Y. Liu, Z. Su, B. Niu, Y. Zhang, P. Dong*, D. Long*.
Multiple Ionic Conduction Highways and Good Interfacial Stability of Ionic Liquid-Encapsulated Cross-linked Polymer Electrolytes for Lithium Metal Batteries.
J. Power Sources, 543 (2022) 231848. (IF:9.2, JCR:Q1)
[1]. Z. Zhang, L. Tian, H. Zhang, H. Xu, P. Dong*, Y. Zhang*, D. Long*.
Hexagonal Rod-like Cu-MOF-74-derived Fillers Reinforced Composite Polymer Electrolyte for High-performance Solid-state Lithium Batteries.
ACS Appl. Energy Mater., 2022, 5, 1, 1095–1105. (IF:6.4, JCR:Q2)